stu‧pid /ˈstu
pɪd, ˈstyu‑/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[stoo-pid, styoo‑] 1. | lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull. |
2. | characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: You asked a stupid question. |
3. | tediously dull, esp. due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless: Your speech is stupid. |
4. | annoying or irritating; troublesome: You're a stupid idiot. |
You see, there is no way you can be as stupid as you act because to describe you as stupid would imply you are simply annoying, troublesome, or senseless. Your behavior is so disgustingly unintelligent that it drives me to insanity and the mere idea of their being a "mind" in the brain which rests inside your skull seems outrageous. The things you say marvel me in a most disturbing way as I have never heard someone speak with such incapableness and not even appear as though they contain any respectable smarts. If you were actually as stupid as you behave, I do not imagine that you could walk, talk, or breathe because your actions would suggest that there is not enough sense in your body to keep it alive. Your concept of common sense is comparable to a dog's concept of it being wrong to pee where he likes- it does not exist, and the replies which you have given to such simple questions are answers leading to the clear realization that you are indeed a phenomenal moron. To say you are stupid is to suggest the definition given above, however the manner in which you carry on is so infinitesimally greater in its intensity of the meaning of the word that it's not possible for you to actually be so. You are, in fact, very stupid, but it is not physically possible for you to be as stupid as you act, otherwise you would simply die, and alas you are alive, thus we come to the concluded conclusion, that has upwardly been stated in the statement above: you cannot possibly be as stupid as you act.
This post is neither directed toward or about anyone in particular. and you can take that to the bank.
Nice disclaimer. Very wise, my friend, very wise.
Thanks for the comment, Maximus. And you're right, I can't be as stupid as I act.
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